
By Loraine Roane

One in eight American adults who have a tattoo regret getting it. Fortunately, new technology makes it easier than ever to erase unsightly or embarrassing body art. Traditional methods for removing tattoos, such as dermabrasion, salabrasion, cryotherapy and surgical excisions are painful and frequently leave behind ugly scars. Jacksonville tattoo removal is a safe, non-invasive procedure that produces excellent results with Q-switched lasers.

The types of lasers used to eradicate tattoos are tuned to specific wavelengths and frequencies of light absorbed by pigments. The high-intensity beam penetrates deep into the skin layer containing the colored ink. The laser shatters the pigmentation into miniscule particles. Over the next few weeks, the body's lymphatic scavenger cells clear away the tiny fragments of ink.

Laser sessions to remove tattoos are typically completed in under 15 minutes. During the procedure, patients may experience stinging or pricking sensations. Over-the-counter pain medications can reduce the discomfort. If a patient is especially sensitive, an anesthetic ointment can be applied to the area or a local anesthetic can be injected.

Most tattoos are gradually removed over several laser therapy sessions. The number required depends on the depth of pigment, the variety of colors used and the type of ink. Some colors are more difficult to eliminate because they only respond to a particular wavelength.

Laser therapy sessions are usually carried out at six week intervals. This allows time for the body to clear away the pigment particles. After a procedure, the targeted colors gradually lighten and fade way. The final pigments vanish about eight weeks after the final session. At this point, the natural skin color returns and no trace of the tattoo remains.

If you are interested in Jacksonville tattoo removal, make an appointment at a local cosmetic or aesthetic clinic. During your initial consultation, the physician will advise you about the best options currently available. You will also be informed about the benefits and risks of various procedures.

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