
The Culture Of Smoking And Smoke Shops

By Mona Moody

The culture of smoking is party responsible for having an increase in the Indianapolis smoke shops over the past decade. Such practice has been associated mostly with the burning of tobacco and inhaling the fumes emitted by it. It is present in all cultures, but has been exploited by Hollywood these days.

Many public health researchers need to differentiate ethnicity and culture with the effects that can be seen in the social structures of the society. Under the term, ethnicity is an even more specific term which is the identity that one presumes and the ethnic label that is given by others in the social strata. These have varying factors stemming from the tradition and political factors.

One form of smoking is called the pipe smoking which uses a pipe, usually made of wood, and fill the small container with tobacco and burn it. This was common during the nineteenth century when it was a symbol for cheap and simple pleasures. It was the symbol for wealth, power and authority.

The history of this culture can be traced back as early as five thousand before Christ. This has been recorded in many cultures around the world. This is the kind of habit that is associated with the religious ceremonies that are being performed by the people at the time. It has also been used to cleanse the body of evil spirits.

In many countries, the habit is widely spread and practiced by the youth. It is said that doing this gives them certain significance that they are having with their life. These are the source of relaxation for those times of trouble and emotional distress. It can be considered as an effective means of building a deeper bond among the individuals who indulge in the habit.

This has also held a place in literature as many characters n many popular novels and classics depict their characters smoking. Iconic characters like Sherlock Holmes have been depicted as a smoking individual. Many of the authors of these novels have been devoted smokers. By the time people reached the twentieth century, smoking has already been associated with popular music.

For the young, a cigarette connotes liberty, and deviation from the norms of the society which is very popular among the teenagers. It may be surprising the many of those who are addicted to cigarettes are the young, a smaller percentage of them are actually below the legal age. Thus, the government sanctions for the sale of cigarettes to the minors have been severe.

Many smokers begin to have the habit during the adolescence stage. This has the elements of risk taking and rebellion that is more common among young people. Many of them are influenced by their peers.

Indianapolis smoke shops are booming and spreading. This has been the effect of the economics side of the issue. They have been supplying people for a very long time. There are several products that are available in these stores that would appeal to the picky client.

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