
Liquid Diet Plan Review

By Susan Field

The team at the 'the liquid diet plan' lead by the top nutrition and fitness expert Michael Goodman have created an innovative new kind of diet.

Have you tried a meal replacement programme that left you hungry and frustrated? Then try this brand new innovation, it's initially free to try and if you find it works the paid options are really good value too.

Why this diet works were others fail?

In a traditional liquid meal replacement diet you would aim to consume most or all of your daily calories from prepared liquid meals.

Some big brand diets sell a product in a sachet that you mix with water or milk. Others will give you ingredients and recipes.

In the traditional liquid diet, the drinks would contain significantly fewer calories than you would consume eating normally.

Any one of these systems that sells you a product that you add milk too can only work to help you cut calories, and will often leave you feeling hungry. The worst thing about them for me is that after the initial 2 weeks of sachets my food cravings were much worse.

Have you been failed by packet meal replacement diets? I know I have and have been hungry in the process. I always feel cheated by packet diets as essentially there is no real secret to them. I always regain any lost water weight after a sachet slimming diet.

We now know that we would in fact be better off drinking 8 pints of milk per day for a week than wasting $75 on powder that makes you gain more weight than you initially lose.

What is different about the liquid diet plan?

This new liquid diet plan is refreshingly different.

Firstly the way this liquid diet works does NOT use starvation or fasting of any kind.

If you want to feed the skinny you, the one on the inside then this high quality nutrition plan will fuel your desire for more.

Time for the science geek girl to shine, this approach to weight loss is founded on the way we perceive hunger. The good news is that most of that dreadful craving for pizza is in fact just misdirected desire for nutrients.

How come I sometimes over eat even when I feel full? This is because you have only satisfied the need for fuel (calories) but not the need for the high-quality 'nutrients' you need to thrive. Your body simply goes on looking for more food to fill the missing gaps.

If we were to think of hunger as a number of empty slots that our body has to fill in order to shut off all hunger signals, then we can begin to understand how by filling those hunger slots we could feel full and satisfied.

Simply put, if you eat a well designed balance of nutritious foods then you will not feel hungry.

The really clever part is that to some extent the body prefers nutritional satisfaction over calorie satisfaction.

Feed nutritional needs fist calories second

The clever design of the liquid diet plan uses this knowledge to crate optimum recipes for the replacement diet.

Next steps

Rather than choosing an old style starvation diet, the kind that has kept people fat for 30 years.

Try these high-quality satiating liquid diet recipes you can make at home for free.

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