
Men's Short And Long Hairstyles

By Darren Hartley

The latest trend in men's hair styles seems to be shaving the sides and leaving the top. Before styling your hair, you must first evaluate what your hair tends to do naturally and calibrate the hairstyle from there. A case in point would be long and sharp spikes would look great for someone with straight hair but next to impossible to achieve with thick and curly hair.

The alteration of the length, curl and texture of the hair to some extent is what occasion-matching men's hair styles are all about. The assessment of how much time you are willing to spend in styling your hair every morning after you wake up is the first step to the selection of a hairstyle for yourself. For one who wants to spend as little time as possible, the hairstyle chosen must be one that does not stray away too much from his natural look.

The maintenance of men's hair styles need more than water and a comb. You may need a hair mousse to add volume and shine to the hair. You may require pomade, hair wax or hair clay to mold the hair in difficult-to-achieve shapes.

Gel and hair glue are the other products that can be used for the maintenance of men's long hairstyles. Alcohol is an ingredient in gel that is not present in pomade. This dries out the hair and provides a stiffer hold to it. For the strongest possible hold of the hair, hair glue is the best bet.

A must in the maintenance of men's long hairstyles is the consideration of the situation. There must be an evaluation done on the reason for which the hair is styled. If the reason is making a good impression, forget about Mohawks or spikes. In all instances, the hairstyle must match the occasion where it is to be worn.

Most men's long hairstyles have one primary direction in which the hair is combed. They are either combed forward, back, up, to the side or straight down. By experimenting on a few different directions, a man will be able to determine what works best for him.

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