
Knuckle Tattoo Ideas

By Darren Hartley

Knuckle tattoo ideas are quick ways of gathering attention to a message as the knuckles are among the most visible parts of the human body. This can provide a drawback, as the tattoo requires greater care and attention as the fingers are among the most used parts of the body as well.

Love hate, game over, hell year are but a few of the most common knuckle tattoo ideas that one can come across. While one word is written on the four fingers of one hand, the other word is written on the other hand. Getting the idea that the wearer wishes to express is a matter of joining the two hands together.

The tradition of spelling out meaningful words, clever phrase turns or statements in knuckle tattoo ideas can be embellished with either elaborate or not-so-elaborate artwork, with the intention of drawing the eye to the image. This is an acceptable option for wearers who wish to convey his thoughts not only through words but images as well, both centering around a common message.

Any word or phrase of eight letters or less can be spelled across knuckle tattoo ideas. The word or phrase chosen must have some meaning attached to it for its wearer. This could be the name of the wearer or his favorite mantra.

Characters from favorite films or video games may also serve as good knuckle tattoo ideas. The most common position for knuckle tattoos is on the first knuckle closest to the hand. When facing forward, the tattoo can be read when the two fists are held out together.

While the first knuckle closest to the hand is the common positioning used for knuckle tattoo ideas, there is the option of inking the tattoo facing its wearer so he can read them when he holds out his hands, palms down, in front of him.

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