
Abcs Of The Playground Games

By Mayra Pierce

Games have a symbolic function, they serve as symbols that help create contexts, anticipate situations, plan future actions or interpret reality. Game favors the process of enculturation and arises naturally. It is indispensable for psychomotor, intellectual, emotional and social development, as skills develop with it and children learn to respect rules and have goals and objectives (the playground games).

Game are considered as part of human experience and present in all cultures. They are inherently a human activity. All of us have learned to relate to our family, social and cultural environment through play. It's a rich, broad, versatile and ambivalent concept that involves a a various categorizations. Many definitions have been stated about game as well, the dictionary of Royal Academy sees it as a recreational exercise rules under which it won or lost. However the polysemy of this and the subjectivity of various authors imply that any definition is only a partial approach to this entertaining phenomenon.

They are useful and necessary for the development of child to extent there is a problem if a child is not involved in any such activities. The importance of utility of game can lead adults to steal the show the child. Adult intervention in children's game should consist of: facilitating conditions for game. Be available to child and not direct or impose unnecessary rules. The tax game can change the attitude. Every rules placed must foster the development and enjoyment of a game by participants.

They are considered a free for all activity: a voluntary pastime, no one is forced to play. The concept resides in a space with few limitations and in a pre-established time constraints. Games have an uncertain character, they function as a creative, spontaneous and original activity, the outcome of each game fluctuates, which motivates the presence of pleasant uncertainty that captivates us all.

Early game and varied positively contributes to all aspects of growth and is linked to four basic dimensions of child development that are psychomotor, intellectual, social and affective-emotional eventually. Stimulate the capacity to reason, to encourage reflective thinking and representative. Create sources of potential development, ie what can be.

Popular game often have few rules, which are usually simple, and they all kinds of materials are used, without having to be specific to game itself. They all have their objectives and a certain way of carrying them out: chase, throwing an object at a given site, conquer territory, retain or win an item, etc. His practice has no significance beyond game itself, is not institutionalized, and the big objective is to have fun.

Mammals are characterized by an evolved brain, long childhood, parental care, nursing pups, hunt group, social division and non-genetic work. Mammals play to hunt in a group, define hierarchies, exploration, division of labor, among others. Interaction between mammals (dogs, cats, water, primates) is based on imitation and exploration by trial and error. In some mammals there is a total lack of symbolic play.

Game is synonymous with pleasure, fun, gaiety, entertainment, but also plays the child to discover, know, know others and their environment. In non-social animals play occurs mainly during childhood as a means of psychomotor learning or experimentation and in adulthood as a behavior related to reproduction. In gregarious animals kept these play behaviors and associated social game to acquisition of status, establishing roles and add group relationship.

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