
People Love Haunted New York

By Christa Jarvis

Manhattan residents are always fascinated by the tall buildings which stand throughout this magnificent city. They also know that a haunted New York is a reality that cannot be avoided. Whenever someone visits this location they will try their best to become familiar with The House of Death, St. Mark's Church In-The-Bowery, The Manhattan Well, The Merchant House, The Dakota, The Campbell Apartment and The Morris-Jumel Mansion.

Every person around this city knows all about The Morris-Jumel Mansion which has been in existence for quite a long time. There is a ghost of a former school teacher who roams around within this dusty old building. Whenever people are rowdy she will tell them to be quiet and then fade away. An old clock located in this place also has the ability to speak to people. Some people have also witnessed soldiers coming out of the paintings that are located in the hallways.

An even stranger place is called The Dakota and it was once the film set for a popular movie years ago. "Rosemary's Baby" was filmed within this particular location since Roman Polanski liked the look of this building. A young lass can be seen playing in many of the rooms and this is also the location that John Lennon's spirit is residing. Fans of this famous singer will flock towards the building whenever they are visiting Manhattan.

Decades ago an angry man from France decided to kill his mates ex-husband. The Frenchman was named Brazelle and the former spouse was Albert Champion. Brazelle also had a bad temper and he was jealous of every man that his current wife associated with. In a fit of rage he decided to put an end to this woman's life.

His own death came swiftly after killing this lovely and silly woman. His ghost is still angry and walks around the huge penthouse after the sun has set. His dearly departed wife can also be seen and heard at certain times of the day. The two of them are still together in unholy matrimony.

The House of Death is well known for its ghostly apparitions which appear from time to time. The famous writer named Mark Twain once lived within these dwellings and he experienced many strange happenings. According to Twain there were a total of twenty-two spirits residing at The House of Death. Each of these spirits had died tragically and they were never going to leave this establishment. Even the great gentleman known as Mark Twain is now walking around the house.

The people associated with all of these locations led very tragic lives and their deaths were truly meaningless. Individuals who now stay at each location are excited and frightened by all of the evil events which took place in the past. They also enjoy throwing Halloween parties that are really entertaining.

New York University has a building called Furman Hall and it is truly creepy. For a short period of time Edgar Allen Poe lived at Furman Hall and every living person knows about his bad habits. Mr. Poe has never really left this particular place since his spirit is still appearing before strangers.

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