
Candle Making and Retailing, Easiest Way to Sell Candles, Alternative Ways of Selling Candles

By Stan Alderson

Have you ever thought about selling your candles for profit?

While many people begin to make candles as a hobby, the enormous interest in candles makes it possible to earn a nice part time or fulltime revenue by selling your candles to others. You can sell wholesale, on consignment or set up fund-raising programs. The most typical approach is to retail your candles. Here we'll introduce you to selling so you can identify if this technique is a decent fit for you.

One of the most typical ways most candle makers get started in selling is to sell their candles at craft shows. One of the advantages of craft shows is that area folk like to buy from local crafters. Hence if you can find enough craft shows in your area to keep you busy, then this could be an avenue that is successful for you.

Another benefit to craft shows is that people appreciate the quantity of effort and time that goes into hand made items. At craft shows, you are presented with a chance to sell yourself and explain how your candles are hand poured. This actually separates you from those who simply resell candles that are manufactured by bigger companies, giving you a definite advantage at these events.

Craft shows also give you the added benefit of gaining exposure and building opportunities for word-of-mouth referrals. You aren't at a craft show every day, so the rapport you build with your clients will generate revenue from re-orders and referrals to their friends and family. It is imperative that you have business cards available, as well as ordering and delivery procedures in place for the future orders you may hopefully receive.

Some of the downsides of craft shows are that they are not always freely available, and when they are they tend to not be equally distributed throughout the year. While you might find a sufficiency of shows at the vacations, it will be tougher to find venues to sell your candles in March and July. There could be alternatives, though, such as Farmer's Markets, holidays that sell space to vendors and other similar situations.

A reality of craft shows is that they are a large amount of work. They are customarily day long events that require the set up and tear down of a box everytime, and need a series of hours spent on your feet.You are certain to get beat!

Instead of, or as well as, selling at craft shows, many candle makers have taken steps to put up an internet site. Whether this is a totally functional web site capable of accepting orders or merely an online 'catalog' where current and potential customers can go to see what they want to order and give you a call, a website is an excellent way to cultivate a candle business.

Another selling option is selling your candles at home parties. Try booking some parties with your buddies and family. Chances are there will be somebody there that would also love to book a party. This may be the best way to expand your business.

While some candle makers have desires of opening their own candle store featuring their hand-crafted products for sale, this is a goal that needs a serious amount of time and money, and is most frequently left for intensely experienced and well-established candle makers only.

There are several methods to create a successful candle business, and selling your candles is only one of the many ways it may be achievable. Explore your options and choose which option is the best fit for both you and your final goals.

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