
The Significance Of Using The Drought Tolerant Landscaping Over Other Traditional Methods

By Enid Hinton

About seventy percent of the amount of water which is consumed in the suburban communities gets used for the gardens. Study shows that this amount is really huge and unsustainable in the long run. Frequent shortages in water in some areas in Orange County, CA can clearly confirm this. With occasional droughts accompanied by restrictions on water usage, more residents are becoming more responsive to drought tolerant landscaping in their yards.

Such areas experience occasional dry spell and soils that have low water retention capacities. Other species possess physiological and anatomical characteristics that ensure that they are capable of withstanding dry conditions. The plants have waxy coatings on leaves known as cuticles. Some of those species develop cuticles that are thick that reduce the water loss through leaf surface evaporation.

The hairs which are possessed on the leaves reduce the movement of air on its outside surface. This results in reduction in the evaporation rates of the pants. Scientifically the amount of evaporation has been related to be directly proportional to the surface area of the leaf exposed to the atmosphere.

One of the methods used in landscaping design is xeriscaping. It is capable of reducing the usage of water by about half according to the evaluations done by experts. The level of maintenance that it requires is also reduced greatly. Several local garden clubs usually do this form of landscaping.

There are also those plants that overcome dry spell by using crafty techniques such as dropping their leaves. They then grow others quickly as soon as the environmental conditions become better. Plants that are tolerant to drought consume less water than other plants in the market.

A careful plan and complete evaluation of your landscape is what should be ones main consideration. When extra effort is applied in the stages of planning you will be guaranteed of a healthy, beautiful, drought resistant paradise that can be maintained quite easily. The companies remove out the less suitable grass and then proceed on with their dry spell resistant landscaping.

In the real estate market, several homebuyers are on the lookout for yards that are easy to maintain. A good number of construction companies are adhering accordingly to this demand. Companies are looking more and more for ways to utilize their resources in suitable and sustainable ways.

Another method of saving on water in the long run while landscaping in Orange County, CA is by grouping your plants according to the amount of water they need. They are such as using mulches, plants drought tolerant and using wind breakers too. The drought resistant plants need not be native plant however. The same applies in vise versa. With the correct measures undertaken, it is certain that the landscaping will bear an awesome look.

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