
Navicular Disease Is Serious In Horses

By Alta Alexander

Horse people have good reason to fear the serious condition known as founder. This inflammatory condition is one type of navicular disease which causes lameness and may result in degeneration and deformation of the hoof. The problem is still being researched, but some causes are well known to experienced owners.

Founder is caused by too much rich grass or grain. It usually happens in the spring, when horses are turned out into lush pastures, or when an animal gets into the feed room and eats several days ration at once. Grass founder may take a week or so to show up, but the reaction to grain can happen in hours.

Horses allowed to get too fat are also at risk. Overweight animals are prone to foundering. Excess weight also puts undue, constant stress on the feet, especially the front ones which naturally bear most of the animal's weight.

Although ponies are more susceptible than horses to grass founder, all equines are at risk. Maintaining a proper weight is important, since keeping a horse in a dry lot makes everyone miserable and can result in other problems, like anemia or vices like cribbing. Regular exercise is helpful in keeping weight under control and improving the circulation to the feet.

Concussion is another cause of navicular separate from over-feeding. The result is the same, however - inflammation of the foot that can result in lameness that may be temporary or permanent. Horses asked to pound along on hard ground for extended periods or asked to jump over and over may develop problems with the tendons and bones in their feet. Heavier horses, like warmbloods, are especially susceptible. These horses are often exceptionally talented at showing and jumping, which makes their susceptibility to lameness a true tragedy.

Other causes include standing too much, as when a horse is confined to a stall and not allowed sufficient time out at exercise. Forcing growth with rich feed, as is commonly done with thoroughbred youngsters destined for the yearling sales, can have detrimental effects. Race horses and show animals are routinely stalled for their protection, given demanding training schedules, and kept on high energy feeds.

Maintaining the natural shape and balance of the foot is important. Improper trimming and shoeing can cause navicular problems. If toes are too long and heels sloped too far under the foot, strained tendons can pull bones in the foot out of position. This can cause arthritic degeneration inside the foot. Heels should be allowed to spread in a natural way; rigid shoes and contracted heels are thought to contribute to navicular.

To protect your horse, limit lush pasture and keep feed rooms securely closed. Make sure your equine friend doesn't get fat and has enough exercise to keep the blood flowing. Work on yielding ground and good footing. Learn how to tell if your farriers is doing a good job in keeping the angles of the leg and foot in proper alignment. Be careful not to train and compete too hard if you want a long and happy association with your horse.

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