
Discover How A Bioidentical Hormone Doctor Philadelphia Creates Wellness Plans

By Julio Riess

The bevy of natural changes one goes through during their lifetime can change the way a body functions. Some ways in which they may be affected are in their sex drive, strength, mood and energy levels. Local Philadelphia customized wellness programs are one way in which bioidentical hormone doctors assist their patients.

Their purpose is to tend the needs of men and women who are dealing with the changes of their natural hormone levels. People usually begin considering this option as they enter their late 30's to their early 40's. This is a full circle plan that includes fitness, nutrition and replacement therapy.

Hormones are major influences on various aspects of one's well being including energy levels, moods and mental health. They may also affect physical changes in weight, bone density and muscle mass. The imbalances may be caused by things like andropause, menopause, environmental factors and pregnancy.

A doctor will need to order certain blood test be run on a patient to verify that they are experiencing an actual imbalance in their hormones. Signs that this may be the case include hair loss, anxiety, depression, weight fluctuations, low energy levels, mood swings and hot flashes. Once the physician has analyzed the data, they can design the necessary approach.

Bioidentical hormones are able to match the exact molecular make up of those created naturally within the human body. They may be used to replace substances such as estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, melatonin, thyroxine and more. Being made of natural ingredients, every dose is customized to the individual that is going to take it.

If the physician makes the determination that replacement therapy is necessary, they will determine which delivery system is best for the patient. The available options may include pills, creams, gels, patches or vaginal rings. The form and the dosage are both dependent on the needs of the individual.

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