
Easy Ways To Turn Empties Into Wine Bottle Candles

By Sarah Perry

Wine lovers often think that it's wasteful to throw out their empty bottles, but many don't know what else to do with them. There are creative individuals however, who have noticed that good wines and romantic candles are a natural pairing. They have decided to share ideas about creating beautiful solutions that take advantage of the empty bottles by turning them into wine bottle candles.

Most of the projects they share online, in blogs and ebooks have certain steps in common. Removing labels is one of them. This is often the most frustrating and annoying part of a project involving commercial bottles. Immersing the bottles in water and taking a razor to the labels is one of the easiest ways to remove them. The step may have to be repeated in order to get all the glue off.

Before you start your candle project, you will have to collect a number of empty bottles. This is especially true if you plan to cut the glass to remove the bottom or create different heights. It may take a number of attempts before you perfect your own technique. No matter how many times a craftsman cuts glass, there will still be mistakes and jagged edges.

You can spend a fair amount of money on scoring tools or choose to pick up an inexpensive glass cutter at a local home improvement or craft store. A simple, but important, caution from seasoned craftsmen is to be careful about picking up a bottle, with a lit candle in it, from the top. The top heats up rapidly, and you can easily get burnt fingers.

Creating arrangements are usually more interesting than a single candle. If you are trying this, you should consider making the bottles different heights and choosing bottles in different colors and tones. You can insert the candle into the bottle top or cut the glass and fit a candle into each of the bottles.

You don't have to limit yourself to indoor candle projects. You can light your backyard or patio with hanging bottles that give off an eerie glow. You will need a glass cutter to remove the bottle bottoms and some votive glasses. Two holes have to be bored into the opposite sides of the glasses. Loop a chain through each hole and pull the chains through the bottle tops. Secure with a decorative ring, and hang.

If you're not crafty, you can always resort to the old drip candle in the wine bottles project. This table decoration has been around forever, but it can be effective. You might even start a tradition by using it over and over with different colored candles marking special events.

There is nothing wrong with purchasing beautiful candles that are already arranged, scented, and very expensive. Making your own with materials you already have on hand is probably more fun however. Not only will you release your creative instinct, but you will be helping the environment by recycling your old wine bottles.

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