
Keeping The Scalpel At Bay With Cold Laser Therapy For Knees

By Marie Olson

Because the knees are some of the most used and abused joints in the body, they are at risk of ending up with arthritis. Having knee pain and inflammation can certainly keep you from enjoying a normal and productive life. If the constant intake of painkillers and undergoing surgery are not your preferred options, you may consider cold laser therapy for knees.

Treatments involving the use of lasers used to be popular only among beauty conscious individuals who like to get rid of unwanted hair, acne, wrinkles and scars. These days, they are also getting the attention of people who are suffering from arthritis. That's because they are being dubbed as non invasive solutions for the joint disease. Lasers do not only eliminate pain and inflammation, but also deal with the cause.

Without involving a scalpel, damaged cartilages located in the knee joint can be effectively repaired. Experts agree that lasers provide the kind of energy that's warranted for the division of cells. As a result of this, the integrity of knee cartilages considerably affected by arthritis can be reinstated. Even though it's true that results do not show up overnight, regular exposure to lasers is scientifically proven to mend torn and worn sections of cartilages.

Since undergoing surgery is out of the picture, healing can be attained minus certain risks. It's no secret that practically any surgical procedure can come with complications. This is especially true if the person is suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and others. Often, individuals with medical conditions are advised to explore other options when trying to deal with arthritis.

This is when the benefit of employing lasers becomes quite obvious. No matter if performed at the clinic or at home, procedures involving lasers are capable of repairing worn out cartilages via a non invasive and simple process. It is especially ideal for people who are not considered as candidates for surgery or those who simply like to opt for alternatives due to reasons pertaining to their safety and also budget.

Lasers, furthermore, make for excellent substitutes for painkilling medications. While proven effective, these pharmaceutical solutions are notorious for causing many side effects. Vomiting, dizziness, nausea, ringing in the ears, stomachache and diarrhea are just a few of those. So in a nutshell, painkillers simply replace problems they get rid of with new ones.

Besides, painkillers are not meant to be taken for long periods of time. More often than not, they should be administered for up to 10 days only. Otherwise, all sorts of health nightmares may strike. For instance, experts say that abuse of painkillers can damage the kidneys and liver, and also endanger the circulatory and digestive systems. The intake of painkillers, needless to say, is just a short term relief for knee pain and inflammation.

Fortunately, lasers not only deal with the symptoms but also treat the reason for their existence, which is damage to the knee cartilages. These days, there are electronic devices emitting lasers that can be used at home. Provided that the right device is procured and employed as directed, it's possible to safely attain relief from the symptoms as well as obtain treatment for arthritis.

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