
Why Head Turbans Can Be Very Useful

By Freda Watts

Men have worn head turbans for thousands of years. They are more common in parts of Asia of than anywhere else but can also be found in Africa. Nobleman usually wear them but sometimes women do too, after shaving their hair off. Many religious people wear them, this is especially true of Muslims and Sikhs.

Sikhs wear turbans as a mark of respect towards their god, they also wear them to prevent sand from getting in their hair. Catholics, Hindus and Jews sometimes wear head gear too but only when they are in a church. Sikhs however, wear them all the time because they believe that God is everywhere. It also help Sikhs to distinguish themselves from other members of the population. They don't cover their beards because it is easy to keep them clean.

The head scarves was originally worn to mark a person's higher class, they were called leaders. It distinguished them from people of the lower class. Later, this was changed and everyone wore them and this got rid of class distinctions. Every Sikh was names Singh or Kaur too, creating even greater equality.

There are no special rules governing the colour of turbans. Blue is most common among young people, while older Sikhs tend to prefer white. Red and green is usually avoided. The main reason for wearing a head covering is to protect the hair, so the colour is not important at all, each person can decide on the colour for himself.

Sikhs believe that their hair is a gift from God and that is why they choose not to cut it. They want to stay the same way God created them, so to cut their hair would go against that. Many people believe that your hair will just keep on growing if you don't cut it. Sikhs do not believe this to be true though. They hold the view that the eyebrows, beard and hair stop growing once it reaches a certain length because the body regulates it.

Having long hair can benefit your health. It can act as a cover against ultra violet rays from the sun, stopping illnesses such as skin cancer. It can also stop you from getting too hot in the Summer or too cold in the Winter because it creates layer of air between the head and the hair.

Turbans have been worn in many European countries for hundreds of years. However, they have never really become very popular. In the United Kingdom, they are worn mainly as a fashion statement rather because of any particular faith. It is more common to wear hats in Europe.

People who have had chemotherapy in order to fight cancer wear turbans. This is because their treatment has lead to hair loss. It is especially true of women but men are usually more comfortable with baldness. It's also common for cancer patients to wear baseball hats, caps and night scarves.

Head turbans can be controversial. The soccer authorities in Quebec banned anybody from wearing them during matches due to safety issues. However, the governing football authority repealed the ban but said that if you wanted to wear one then it must be the same colour as your football shirt. This is because sometimes the colour can clash with the shirt of the opposing team and make it difficult to referee the match.

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