
Discover About Arthritis Doctor Hartford

By Toni Vang

In the recent past, an increase in the cases of arthritis has been recorded as the number of new cases been reported are on the constant rise. This has been reported to be due to a number of factors like the environment, the diet and the lifestyle of people. It is stated to be a musculoskeletal disease that specifically affects the joints. It is statistically quoted that one in every five has it; as a result, seeking help from arthritis doctor Hartford is indispensable .

Most causes are brought about by a combination of factors like genetic combination whereby one is more likely to be affected by it because their gene combination has it in its composition. Previous injuries also are some of the triggers of arthritis in some cases as the condition will attack this weak point. Also the nature of work is also known to be a contributing factor to the intensity of the ailment. This is because highly physical work involves a lot of strain to the muscles which in turn become weaker and more prone to it.

In most occurrences people who experience the ailment are those in their later stages of life, those who have been fully exposed to all factors of life like physical labor, but this is not always the case because there is a rare occurrence of children with this disease and this occurs to them that are bellow the age sixteen. This occurrence is known as juvenile rheumatoid arthritis which affects only children.

The signs and symptoms of this ailment are different depending on the type of condition since they all have different causes and remedies. Most commonly cases develop slowly and get worse as time goes by. There is usually a pain in a joint during or after a period of activity. In some instances some patients experience a grating sensation when they use the joint. Hard lumps or bones spurs may appear around the joint and in some cases the joint might swell.

Some types of foods are also known to be the causative agents. This usually is because they trigger allergic like reactions on human bodies, making them have aches like those of an arthritic case. Its known as reactive arthritis as it is their reaction that triggers the condition or rather bring rise to it.

Its also observed that obese people suffer from the illness in many instances, this is because their weight strain their joints and hence make their ligaments painful due to the strain exerted to ones joints. The extra weight exerted on the joint makes the ligament wear out fast as compared to the normal weighted person.

One of the most common remedy for such cases is weight reduction for the obese. This is advised to them because the extra weight only acts as a burden to their joints and body frame; hence making the condition worsen.

Physical therapy is also a common advice offered to those with the ailment as most of the affected tend not to move around or tend to desist not to move the affected part, but with advice from therapists they are shown how to move around and how to exercise thus reducing the pain on the affected part. The affected are also advised on their occupations and how to carry them out. Through this all the undue movements are eliminated and all the unnecessary tasks removed thus reducing its impact.

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